
Friday, October 14th, 12:30pm
Group Meeting
Room 360

We will be discussing the upcoming cook-off, cookbook fundraiser, and Integrate Chicago Conference. We are excited to tell you more about these events - and we need your help!

Wednesday, November 2nd, 12:00pm
Nutrilicious Throwdown
Saturday, January 14th
Integrate Chicago 8th Annual Conference


Friday, March 25th, 10:30am
First Official Meeting
Tobin Hall
We will be holding our first official meeting directly after PCM. We will be ratifying the constitution, voting on officers, and discussing our plans for the coming year.

Monday, February 14th 2pm
Thank you to those who attended the first *unofficial* informational meeting! 

            We discussed:  
            1) Who we are and what we are all about
            2) Planning the Integrate Chicago conference Jan 2012
            3) What being secretary or treasurer entails for those interested
            4) What is our next step

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